Homeopathy Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is the result of over activity in the thyroid gland which results in the production of high levels of thyroid hormones and the acceleration of essential bodily functions.

      Grave illness is among the frequent reasons for hyperthyroidism.

      Blood pressure and heart rate can increase, heart rhythms might be abnormal, and patients might sweat excessively as they feel anxious and anxious, experience difficulty sleeping, and may lose weight, without trying.

      Tests for blood are a good way to prove the existence of the condition.

Hyperthyroidism affects one percent of people living in the United States. It can be present at any time, but it is more prevalent in women experiencing menopausal symptoms and following the birth of a child.


Hyperthyroidism can be caused by a variety of factors It can be caused by Graves thyroiditis and thyroiditis, inflammation resulting from radiation exposure or toxic substances and thyroid nodules that are toxic, and excessive stimulation due to an overactive pituitary gland.

Graves’s disease, which is the most commonly cited reason for hyperthyroidism, is an autoimmune condition due to an unnatural protein (antibody) found in blood which triggers the thyroid gland to make and release excess thyroid hormones into blood. The reason for this is usually hereditary, particularly for women, and nearly always results in the thyroid becoming enlarged and diffusely.

Thyroiditis refers to inflammation in the thyroid gland. In subacute thyroiditis, it is silent lymphocytic thyroiditis and more rarely Hashimoto's thyroiditis and hyperthyroidism can occur when hormones stored release from the gland that is inflamed. The reason for this is that the levels of hormones stored are reduced. In the end, the gland typically restores normal functioning.

Inflammation triggered by radiation or toxic substances as in the three major thyroiditis forms, may cause hyperthyroidism as well.


Many people suffering from hyperthyroidism have an over-extended thyroid gland (goiter). The whole gland can become larger or even develop nodules in specific areas. The gland can be painful and tender

Hyperthyroidism symptoms regardless of the reason they reflect the increased speed of bodily functions like an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, irregular cardiovascular rhythms (arrhythmias) as well as excessive sweating hands tremors (shakiness) as well as anxiety and nervousness, trouble sleeping (insomnia) and weight loss despite a greater appetite, an increase in activity even with fatigue and weakness as well as frequent and regular bowel movements. Sometimes, they are associated with diarrhea. The elderly with hyperthyroidism may not experience these typical symptoms, but suffer from what is sometimes referred to as apathetic, or masked hyperthyroidism. In which they are tired as well as sleepy, confused, withdrawn and depressed. Hyperthyroidism can trigger changes in the eyes. The person suffering from hyperthyroidism could appear to stare.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is extremely effective in initial and mild symptoms of Hyperthyroidism. Extreme cases where the excessive activity of the thyroid gland has affected other organs of vital importance.

Lodium: For Hyperthyroidism and fast weight loss

Lodium is among the most effective natural remedies to treat Hyperthyroidism. It is usually recommended for people suffering from Hyperthyroidism who experience rapid weight loss even though they are able to eat. These patients require something to eat in very brief intervals and are always feeling better after eating. A feeling of heat throughout the body and desire to remain at a cooler temperature are other signs. In the mind, the patient is concerned about the present and not thinking about the future concerns. Lodium can also be very helpful to relieve Hyperthyroid patients of the excessive heartbeat that gets worse when exerting even the slightest amount. Extreme weakness is a frequent complaint of patients, and the weakness is typically experienced when going upstairs.

Natrum Muriaticum: To treat Hyperthyroidism and Irritability

Natrum Muriaticum is a natural treatment for Hyperthyroidism mostly for those who get very angry and become upset over small things. People who suffer from depression often tears when left alone and constantly gets aggrieved when someone attempts to soothe. People who need this medication experience extreme heat and are unable to endure the sun's heat. They experience severe headaches after exposure to sunlight. A craving for salt , which is often excessive, is a common symptom when a patient is prescribed this medication. Another key symptom that can guide you to the use of the remedy NatrumMuriaticum occurs when hyperthyroid patients continue to lose weight despite eating regular and healthy meals. The person appears very weak, particularly around that neck. The patient is extremely weak, especially during the mornings when asleep. The heart rate is always at a higher level. This natural treatment can aid in regulating menstrual cycles in women suffering from Hyperthyroidism, whose menstrual cycles are not regulated for a long time.

Lachesis Mutus: To treat hyperthyroidism accompanied by extreme temperatures

Lachesis Mutus is a immense benefit to patients suffering from Hyperthyroidism who experience the sensation of sensations of being hot. Patients with hyperthyroidism cannot wear tight clothing and wear their collars around their neck and their belts around their waists loose. When it comes to the prescribing of this natural remedy the symptoms of mental illness typically considered to be anxiety and sadness, as well as a desire to perform any work. The patient is not keen to get mixed up and prefers to remain in a place that is completely private. Talkativeness that is excessive is a major mind-related symptom of the treatment for Lachesis Mutus. It's also a treatment for women who are menopausal who suffer from hyperthyroidism. Women complain of heat flushes and palpitations. The menstrual flow is smaller and the length is too very short. The feeling of being well-being during menstrual cycles is a key aspect for the use of this method in women. Another major feature is complaints of heart pounding or palpitations, accompanied by periods of fainting. A worsening of the condition in sleep is a common sign of the need for this medication in patients suffering from hyperthyroidism.

Lachesis Mutus   

Phosphorus: For Hyperthyroidism that has extreme Sensitivity And hair loss

Phosphorus is another popular natural treatment for Hyperthyroidism. This treatment can be of great aid to thin and tall patients who are extremely sensitive to external influences such as smell, touch, and light. This remedy can be utilized to treat diarrhoea that has been recurring for a long time for people suffering from Hyperthyroidism. The patient complains of gross and offensive stool and an extreme weakness. The appetite of these patients increases and they experience hunger immediately after eating. Another area where this medication is effective in people suffering from Hyperthyroidism is to control excessive hair loss. The patient complains of hair falling in clumps. Certain habits of eating suggest the use of this medication in patients with Hyperthyroidism like a desire for salty food items, meat as well as cold drinks, and Ice creams.


Conium Maculatum: To treat hyperthyroidism and depression

Conium Maculatum is a very effective natural remedy for those suffering with Hyperthyroidism who suffer from depression and are not interested in their work. The patient is easily annoyed and is afflicted by a weak memory. This medication is beneficial for those who feel tense on their hands, as well as sweating on their hands. Conium Maculatum is also a beneficial treatment for menstrual disorders experienced by women suffering from Hyperthyroidism in which the menses come on late, and for a short period of time and are quite sparse in nature.

Conium Maculatum