Homeopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism

The condition is characterized by abnormally low levels of production of the thyroid hormone. There are a variety of conditions that cause hypothyroidism. These diseases can directly or indirectly affect your thyroid gland. Since thyroid hormone is involved in development, growth and a variety of bodily processes, an insufficient thyroid hormone has a variety of consequences on the human body. The low levels of thyroid hormone can affect metabolic rate (how energy is utilized) and can increase the likelihood of ailments like heart disease and issues related to pregnancy.

Low levels of thyroid hormone can affect the whole body. It can cause you to feel weak and tired. If you don't treat hypothyroidism and treated, it could increase the cholesterol levels in your body and make you more susceptible to an attack on your heart or suffer a stroke. In pregnancy, hypothyroidism that isn't treated could harm the baby. Fortunately, hypothyroidism is simple to manage.

The thyroid hormones are made through the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland can be found in the middle region of the neck below Adam's Apple. The gland is wrapped over your windpipe (trachea) and looks like a butterfly, which is formed by the wings (lobes) joined to the middle portion (isthmus).

The thyroid gland utilizes the iodine (mostly present in the diet , in foods like bread, seafood along with salt) to create thyroid hormones. The two most significant thyroid hormones that are produced include the hormone thyroxine (T4) as well triiodothyronine (T3) that comprise 91% and 1percent of thyroid hormones in blood, respectively. But the hormone that has most activity in biological terms is T3. When removed from thyroid gland into the bloodstream, a significant quantity of T4 is transformed into T3 which is the hormone active which affects the metabolism of cells.

The regulation of thyroid hormonesThe chain of command

The thyroid is controlled by another gland located within the brain, known as the pituitary. The pituitary is controlled through the thyroid (via an "feedback" effect of thyroid hormones on the pituitary gland) as well as by a different gland known as the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus releases a hormonal called thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) that sends an alert to the pituitary gland to release TSH, which is a thyroid stimulant (TSH). Then, TSH sends a signal to the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones. If there is a disruption at any of these levels an imbalance in thyroid hormone production can cause a shortage in thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism).

Hypothalamus - TRH

Pituitary- TSH

Thyroid- T4 and T3

The production of thyroid hormone can be controlled through the pituitary gland. If there is a deficiency in the quantity of thyroid hormone in the body normal functioning, then the release of TSH is increased by the pituitary gland, in order to boost production of thyroid hormone. When there is a high amount of thyroid hormone in circulation, TSH levels fall as the pituitary gland attempts to reduce TSH production. If you suffer from hypothyroidism, there is a constant low amount of thyroid hormones.


Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism as well as their level of severity could vary , and are dependent on the duration and severity the deficiency in thyroid hormone. People with hypothyroidism can be afflicted by



      Intolerance to cold

      The muscles are aching and cramps occur.


      Problems with losing weight or weight gain weight

      Poor appetite

      Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)

      Dry skin rough

      Coarse hair or hair loss

      The swelling of the face and eyelids

      Voices that are deeper and/or more raucous

      Menstrual irregularities or heavy periods


      Memory loss

      Slower thinking and less mental activity

      The blood cholesterol levels are rising.

Homeopathic Treatment

Many patients have gained from our treatment and are in a position to take control of their lives back into their own hands by using the same. The homeopathic remedies work primarily at the level of your immune system, and slowly bring the disease back to normal. They aid stimulate the gland and create hormones at a high level , so that the need for external hormone supplementation is minimal, or even none.

When starting homeopathic treatment it is common for patients to lessen their dependence on conventional medications and in some instances, be able to stop taking the same. However, this should be monitored closely by the physician treating the patient and that exactly happens at Auroh. Even if the patient is unable to quit conventional medication and handle his illness more effectively taking homeopathic remedies and experience an overall sense of health and well-being which is essential to the quality of your living. It is also feasible to stop the development of the disease through homeopathy.

Homeopathy is highly recommended for these kinds of cases.

Homoeopathic Medicine

Calcarea Carbonica: Calcarea Carbonica holds the highest position in homeopathy to treat hypothyroid conditions. It is the most effective treatment for hypothyroidism. It is advised for obese individuals who suffer from coldness and are unable to endure cold temperatures. The person who requires this medication is fair-skinned, fat and fat. The excessive sweating of the head is the most prominent reason that is a reason for its use in hypothyroid patients. Certain peculiarities in the way we eat like a desire for boiled eggs as well as a desire for things that are not digestible like pencils, chalks lime, chalk, and a reluctance to take fats are also a guide toward its use in people with hypothyroidism. This medication for hypothyroidism could assist to ease constipation in hypothyroid patients. The unique aspect is that the first part of stool is very hard and then follows with soft stool. This medication is extremely effective for women suffering from hypothyroidism that suffer from extremely heavy menstrual flows that last for a long time and start before the scheduled date. The coldness of the feet is usually noticeable during the menstrual cycle.

Sepia Officinalis : is an effective medicine to treat people suffering from hypothyroid disease. Patients who require this medicine are extremely weak, possess pale yellow skin and can faint easily, especially when exposed to extreme cold temperatures. These patients are not able to maintain the vital body heat and experience extreme cold even in a warm space. This medication is helpful in the treatment of menstrual issues for patients suffering from hypothyroidism, in which the menses occur too early and are frequent in the course of. Menstrual symptoms are usually associated with a feeling of bearing down in the pelvis. The patient is numb and feels like the pelvic organs would come out of the vulva. always lie on their backs with crossed legs to avoid the possibility of escape. Sepia Officinalis can also be used to control the excessive loss of hair because of hypothyroidism. This is especially true for women who are in menopausal. Another area in which the medicine is extremely effective is treating constipation in hypothyroid sufferers. Patients who require this medication complain of extremely difficult and difficult stool, which is passed in small balls , with a lot of discomfort when passing the stool. This process is continued for a long time following the stool has passed. The mental signs that need to be taken into consideration for its use in hypothyroid sufferers are extreme irritability and an indifferent attitude toward family members who were once extremely loved. A sudden and excessive desire for pickles and acidic food items may also be present.

Lycopodium Clavatum: is a fantastic thyroid treatment. The medicine is typically used for patients with hypothyroidism suffering with gastric issues. Flatulence is a frequent occurrence in the abdomen, along with acidity that can be more severe after eating farinaceous foods. The symptoms tend to be more severe between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. Constipation can be a challenge with a difficult and hard stool that is not completely empty. The person has a craving for hot beverages and hot food. A craving for sweets can be observed. The person is fragile with a yellowish face and blue-colored circles around eyes. The hair that is falling out in a hypothyroid patient can be easily controlled by using this medication. Patients who require this medication are extremely irritable and are unable to bear any conflicts.

The Graphites : are used to treat patients suffering from hypothyroidism that are obese and suffer from cold easily. Constipation that has been lingering for a long time, that causes a hard stool and is passed through with difficulty in lumps is treated by this medication. These patients also complain of abdominal fullness because of the flatus being blocked in addition to the desire of loosening their clothes to relieve the discomfort. The patient's mental state is sad, depressed and often weeps when hearing music. The inability to take decisions could also be present.

Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is an amazing remedy that is recommended for those suffering from hypothyroidism who tend to be extremely sensitive to their environment and are upset easily. These patients are extremely sensitive to external influences. This medication is very effective for treating constipation that is obstinate for hypothyroid patients. The stool is sluggish and insufficient. The patient is constantly compelled to pass stool, but there is no elimination. A feeling of stomach bloating after eating is also a symptom. There is an over-indulgence for stimulants such as alcohol drinks and coffee, as well as fatty foods and spicy foods. The patient is extremely cold. The medicine may also benefit those suffering from hypothyroidism that suffer from prolonged menses, where the blood of menstrual cycles is dark and is often accompanied by fainting episodes.