Acne Treatment with Homeopathy

Acne, also known as Pimples, is a skin condition that causes whiteheads and blackheads. It can also cause inflamed red pimples (or "zits")

Acne is most common on the face and shoulders. However, it can also be found on the trunk, arms and legs as well as the buttocks. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions. While acne does not pose a threat to your health, it can cause scarring or disfigurement to the face which can have an impact on your overall health.

Acne is more common in teens, but it can also happen at any age, including infants. The hormonal changes that stimulate oil formation may be responsible for acne in three quarters of teenagers. People in their 40s and 50s could also suffer from acne.


Acne is a common condition in families. It can also be triggered by external factors.

Hormonal changes related pregnancy, birth control pills or stress.

Oily or gritty cosmetics and hair products

Some drugs (such as steroids and testosterone, estrogen and phenytoin, among others) may be prohibited.

High levels of humidity and sweating

Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by chocolate, nuts, or other foods.



Crusting skin eruptions


Inflammation of the skin eruptions


Skin eruptions can cause redness

Scarring the skin



These are the most well-known types of Acne

Acne vulgaris

Acne rosea

Acne fulminans

Acne medicamentosa

Acne keloidalis nuchae


There are possible complications

Skin color changes


Social life, self-esteem, confidence and personality are all affected.

Permanent facial scarring

Side effects of Accutane (including very dry skin and mucous membranes, high triglyceride levels, liver damage, and birth defects in an unborn baby; call your doctor right away if you become pregnant while taking this drug)

Side effects of other medications


These self-care steps can help reduce the negative effects of acne

Use a gentle, non-drying soap that has a high TFM % to clean your skin. Make sure to remove all dirt and make-up. Wash your skin once to twice daily, even after you exercise. Avoid repeated or excessive skin washing.

Wash your hair every day, especially if it is oily. To keep your hair from falling out of your face, comb or pull your hair back. Avoid wearing tight headbands.

Do not squeeze, scratch, pick or rub the pimples. It might seem tempting to do so, but it can cause scarring and skin infection.

Avoid touching your face using your fingers or hands.

Avoid using greasy creams and cosmetics. Look out for formulas that are water-based and "non-comedogenic". Apply make-up at night.

Acne can be improved by a small amount of sunlight exposure

Homeopathic treatment

It is highly recommended to use homeopathy for Acne. These are some of the ways it works.

Reduces the likelihood of developing acne (often genetic in severe cases).

Treats the underlying hormonal disturbance that causes acne.

Reduces skin's oiliness

Directly reduces the appearance of acne

Infection prevention

Scar formation can be controlled

Acne reduces hyperpigmentation

Reduce scarring after acne



Acne of granular-like eruptions, lumpy, red and burning on the face with red areola are reddened and sensitive. erson is tired for his whole life. Acne can appear in teen years or younger. Children who eat more junk food and fast food are more likely to gain weight. A person is mentally exhausted by large acnes. This can lead to depression due to the ugly and unattractive facial skin.


The sycotic group of remedies. Acne is more common in teens and occurs on the chin and side. An anxious, excited, and irritable person. Women are more sexually inclined than men. Constipated people have a more difficult time with bowel movement. Similar to Nux Vom ineffectual need for stool with hard and round.


Oily skin produces more sebum. Posterior types of acne are more common. People who drink more coffee are more likely to develop acne. Accumulating more fats, meats, sugars, and chocolates can also lead to acne. More acne develops before menstruation. Acne can be caused by emotional distress.


Acnes can be postural and indurate in nature. After the acne has healed up, scarring can be left behind. The person is younger and obese. This person is depressed, anxious, and low-spirited. It is like he has lost his mind. A person may feel restless, irritable, and unable to sleep at night because of worry or grief over loss of work, business, reputation, or property.